Thursday, July 07, 2011

Busy Bears....

We have been busy around here for the last week.  Between throwing out a bunch of things, dropping off dontions, and separating our belongings for the looks like a tornado hit our house!  I am so excited to be heading home and I seriously cannot wait to set foot in a Wal-Mart or Target instead of a PX.  I just know it will be a liberating experience.

I have been trying to relax while doing all this prepartion....I know it sounds impossible, but sometimes packing and sorting helps me to deal with stress.

EDIT:  One week later...

We have some of our belongings on their way to the states and some on their way to storage.  We have been staying with our good friend Jen, who really is our sister.  We have said goodbye to our stuff, cleared our old place, and are prepared to fly home tomorrow.  What a surreal experience to be not only moving away from Germany but moving on from the Army.  We have decided to let go and let God be in control of where our lives go from here.  He has made a way and already has our home picked out, our careers picked out, and our paths determined.  God is great and is showing Himself in our lives more and more.  I am so thankful to serve a mighty God!  Travis and I are excited to be around family again and cannot wait to take TJ to the ocean for the first time!  We are waiting for everything to settle down for us and then we begin the process of building a life outside the military. 

America here we come!!