I want to start out by apologizing to every parent I have ever judged at the checkout of a store. I used to think it was insane that the parents ever let their kids act like that in public...OH HOW THE MIGHTY HAVE FALLEN! My son was that kid tonight at the check out, touching and moving every single item in the end-caps and low crawling on the floor. I must say that I am proud of myself though, I managed to keep my cool and redirect his attention to something else to get him off the floor. So anyway, yes I apologize because now I understand completely what it is like to be with a rambunctious 3 year old in public in the middle of one of their "moments." I love my son, he is fierce, funny, witty, sweet, and capable of throw downs the likes of which most have never encountered. So please forgive my once naivety and understand that I understand, okay?
So I have a 3 year old and a 2 month old now. TJ loves being a big brother, but I think he is still a bit unsure how to act around Hannah. Sometimes he is hesitant to engage her and sometimes he needs a gentle reminder that she isn't ready for contact sports at this time. He has been a big help though; he loves grabbing her diapers for changes and he thinks its amazing that she smiles at him so much. Seriously, this little girl loves her brother to pieces. He will sing her lullabies and rub her head when she nurses, melts a mommy's heart. My little guy suddenly grew up and really wants to go to school. I have been seriously debating with myself and with Travis over homeschool vs. public school. On one hand, I am a paranoid parrot when it comes to my children and if I teach them at home I know I am protecting them from the world for just a bit longer. On the other hand, I want my kids to experience things like class field trips, 5th grade camp, marching band, school dances, and things that I know I enjoyed in school. Anyway, I have been working with TJ more and more on his counting and his writing. The boy can write the letter "t" like nobodys business. It has been hard to convince him that there are actually 25 other letters in the alphabet that he needs to learn to write and that they are both upper and lower case. He can trace them just fine, but free style and suddenly all the "u's" turn into lower case "t's" and the perfectionist in me starts to freak out. We are still waiting for a spot to open up for him in pre-school, but I am not holding my breath. Overall I have a smarty pants 3 year old, eager to learn, who loves his little sister, and gives the best cuddles ever. There has been a bit of jealousy over Hannah, but thankfully it is NOT directed at her. Not to mention TJ is a 3 year old and his rebelliousness is just starting to kick in. I pray it won't last long! I decided to start homeschooling my little Travis. I don't want to overwhelm him, so we've got a very basic curriculum. If this works out then I will add more subject matter, as his abilities allow. So far he enjoys it. He has trouble tracing, but it gets better every day. Love my smart little guy.
Hannah is two months old! Hard to believe that I had her that long ago, it still feels like early this morning I was pushing her out and into this world. What a change in our lives and a wonderful blessing to our family she is! You know how they say, "be careful what you name your kids because they will take after it?" Well, I should have paid better attention because my little diva is certainly living up to her nickname! She likes to stay up at strange hours and talk talk talk, sometimes cry, make demands (haha). She is gaining more control over her limbs and can now full on chew on her fists, her favorite past time. She loves looking at the dog, she can rollover to her side (she really doesn't like laying on her back), and she loves to hear herself talk and squeal. We've also recently introduced her the baby in the mirror. Seeing herself in the mirror really gets her going, full body excitement!
That's about it for now, take care!