Hello all! It has been over a year since our last post....this just proves that procrastination and I need to part ways, does it not? First, I want to give the glory to God and honor His holy name because of everything that He has done for us this past year. Secondly, I want to apologize for being so late on the updates. Life happens, people get on your nerves, you get stuck in a rut, and God pulls you out by doin' something wonderful. This is our life. Where did we leave off last? Oh yeah, it was Feb. of LAST YEAR (do you see how bad I am about these things?) and we were still TTC. Well, that train has stopped and set up shop for the next 9 months, technically just 3 1/2 more to go because we found out last October that we are expecting! Isn't God good? However, we had to go through some things to get to this point. We suffered another loss this past summer and it was a devastating one. God really shows who is in charge when the going gets tough, huh? We prayed over our lost baby and while I recovered physically and emotionally, so did my husband. When a couple loses a child, no matter the age of the child, it is devastating to BOTH parents...something a lot of women tend to forget. We became closer to each other and drew closer to God for comfort and peace. Some other things happened too...my little brother welcomed his daughter into the world (Sophia Love is her name) and I won the 2009 Operation Rising Star competition for Baumholder (don't hate, it takes guts!). I made some wonderful friends, saw friends leave, and took some time for me. That is what brings me to today! God, husband, son, family, friends,school, self. In that order. That is my life right now. Oh you caught that huh? Yeah, Travis and I are expecting a son! Both of our prayers were answered with this little guy, we call him TJ because he will carry daddy's name. In other baby related news, we have decided to cloth diaper our son. This decision comes with a lot of negative remarks from people. "You won't be able to keep up with laundry", "Isn't that unsanitary?", and my personal favorite "Do you think you will be able to go through with it?" I politely thank you for your concerns, but Travis and I are dedicated to giving our boy the best possible of everything we can. So rather than put some plastic chemical laden disposable diaper on his bum, we are going to put pure cotton and hemp on his tushy. Laundry is never ending for me anyway, what is another load a day? Yes, we will keep with it. From time to time we may have to use disposable diapers (emergency trips, no access to washer, etc.) but TJ will have fuzzy buns for the most part. The nice thing is these are not your mama's cloth dipes. We are talking so easy to change and clean, I don't understand why more families don't use them! JESUS wore cloth diapers people!! :) I have also decided that I am going to do a good portion of my labor at home, because I really want to do this naturally; keeping my son as drug free as possible. Yes, I know it will hurt and yes I know that I will likely beg for drugs at some point...these things I do not deny. However, I am not going for the hero award here...I just have a fear of c-sections and long needles being put into my back. I don't even like getting my blood drawn and don't get me started on IV's *shudders*. Apparently we can't give birth at home, so we will eventually end up at the hospital. That about does it for now. Travis and I are doing great by the way. I am due for another belly shot soon, so I will post one as soon as possible. In the mean time, here is a shot of our little man to satiate your baby need!