Sunday, June 02, 2013


Wow, has it really been that long since I've written a post?  Gosh, I really need to up my ante huh?  Talk about rude amateur blogger behavior.  Seriously though, I have a short but big update for you:  WE ARE HAVING ANOTHER BABY....A GIRL BABY!  She will be born here in the comfort of our own home, into the loving arms of her mama and dada, with the help of two wonderful women whom I have come to know and will know more of in the coming weeks.  Hannah is expected to make her arrival in early August, but this mama suspects the diva to make her appearance early. 
Pretty girl at 20 weeks young!
J & J still come for visits but the big move has been put on hold for unforeseen issues that have arisen; we hope to have something figured out by early fall, please keep them in your prayers. TJ is excited about becoming a big brother, he loves to snuggle the belly and tells me all the time how much he loves his baby.  What could make a moms heart melt more, huh?  Travis is still working hard and though I wish he would or could take it easy, I know it is in him to do more than his fair share and do it without complaint.  God really broke the mold with that man, for sure.

That's about all the update I have for now, I hope to make more time to keep this regularly updated again.  Blogging has always been cathartic for me, and Lord knows I could use some catharsis!  Be blessed all!
