Wednesday, June 22, 2011

So much to do and so little...time?

We have received word that our orders to leave Germany will be available for pick-up on Monday.  What an exciting feeling; knowing we are mere weeks away from being with our families and friends stateside!  At the same time, I know I will be sad leaving my family here in Baumholder.  To my fellow preggo sisters (now mommies), to my very dear sisters who have seen me at my worst, my church family, and just the Army family in general.  I have posted about this before, so I won't repeat myself.  This big move means we have to arrange our house into categories, which can be a bit difficult if you have little bits and pieces scattered every which way.  Hand carried, HHG, UB, ship ahead, documents, donate, trash.  Our house looks like the entire contents have been strewn about...which they have. I even have to separate TJ's toys, what to store vs. what to take/ship to Granana's house.  My little man deserves his favorite playthings.  I am very overwhelmed at the moment, so to me it seems that I have too much to do and not enough time.  I want to have my house organized for when the movers get here so they can pack things with as little hassle as possible.  I am one frazzled mama bear.  My poor guitar has been neglected for the better part of a year...poo ol' blue.  I know I have been busy being a mom and what not, but the reality is that I just don't make time for her anymore.  That is wrong of me.  I know when I am done with the stresses as of late, I will be better and MAKE time for her. 

In other words, I have felt myself start to disconnect from my friends here in Germany.  This is what every single time we move....I don't know if it is because it makes saying "goodbye" easier or what.  I love my friends here so much.  I am going to miss you all!!  I know I am not the phone talker and I don't call every day but I cherish each of you and keep you close to my heart.

I am happy to announce that yours truly has been awarded her AS degree!!  I am so excited about it; I have worked long and hard for this.  I am waiting for it to arrive in the mail, and I truly hope it gets here before we leave.  When we get back stateside, I am going to go to school and probably get my nursing degree.  It is going to be a LOT of work, but I will be helping people and that is something I want to do.  COLLEGE HO!!!

This post is just a quick update on things and obviously a bit of jumbled mess as I am all over the place....surely my english report professor would be proud.  At any rate, more to come when I have news!  Ciao loved ones!


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