Saturday, November 19, 2011

So in case hasn't been let out of the bag yet, let it be known that the Moser family is hoping to expand by one or two more. Travis and I made the decision to try for another child. I went and had my *ahem* appointment this past week to make sure all is in working order. The doctor didn't want any of my past OB/GYN history that includes details about our previous miscarriages, our diagnoses of "unexplained infertility", and my pregnancy info. I tried explaining to the doc that I believe I have been experiencing anovulatory cycles and she gives me the eyebrow and asks me how I know this. This is after I tell her that I do not take birth control (I never have, probably never will) and that Travis and I practice natural family planning (it involves a female getting really personal with herself, detecting cervical patterns, fluid changes, etc.). I am abruptly told that I am not anovulatory because I have been having my cycle...I tried to explain that it isn't a normal cycle but my information falls on deaf ears, I mean how would I know anything about my own body?!? Basically she told me she didn't believe it took us 5 years to conceive TJ and because he was conceived naturally, I have nothing to worry about. All my close friends know of our struggle to conceive. I am so grateful that God blessed us with TJ. I stand in the belief that I am healed of infertility and I will bear more children. HOWEVER, when I am trying to give a doctor my history and it is dismissed by a condescending really upsets me. She then proceeds to hint that Travis and I weren't actively TTC, which is why it took so long. *eye roll* I am so sick of know-it-all doctors who think they know an individual just by looking at them. I didn't even go for a fertility check up..she isn't an RE, just an OB/GYN who refused my medical records but proceeded to tell me how it is. I was saddened actually; I lost some faith in our healthcare system. Chances are, when I get pregnant I will be seeing someone else. ANYWAY. I didn't mean for that to get all negative and stuff.

Trav and I are excited about Thanksgiving and Christmas in our new home. Our family is coming over for Thanksgiving so that is going to be fun. We will be having traditional dinner food and enjoying being around our loved ones for the holiday and having or own home. I am so grateful to God for where He has brought from and where He will bring us. We want to go shopping on black Friday, it will be a first for both of us. We are hoping to score some good deals. Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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