Friday, January 11, 2013

All things become new...

Looking back at the various posts from every new year (when I have kept up), it would appear that there has always been some big news or life changing event that has or will be taking place in the new year itself.  2013 will be no exception.  Like most years prior, the Moser household will undergo even more radical changes in the coming months.  Trav and I will be stepping into the world of foster care, in hopes to reach out to our family in need.  For legality sake, I cannot go into detail just yet, but suffice it to say our home will be a bit more cozy.  That said, it is a big leap of faith and trust, as well a huge commitment on our part.  We are excited, scared, nervous, happy, saddened, relieved, but most of all content in our decision.  I've heard it all from various people in the last months, "You sure about this? You two are just amazing people!  How will TJ react? What will this do to your family? How will you financially take care of everyone?"  Most of the feedback was negative at first, and I have to admit it ruffled my feathers but it also gave me the catalyst needed to really dig deep and pray, think, discuss every aspect with Trav so we could be on the same page.  In the end it was simple, we do what needs to be done for those we call family.  Family doesn't just consist of those we share biological traits with; family are the people we hold close to our hearts. 

In addition to that news, we will also be adding to our family in a very different way!  I am very pleased to say that there will be another little Moser come the end of the summer.  Yup, in the midst of all we are going through, God gave us one more blessing to fill our basket.  At first I was scared, how could we possibly feed 6 mouths on our modest income?  Why now?  How we will arrange our already filled to capacity house?  How will the kids react?  Then I got really excited, because I thought it wouldn't happen again.  We'd been trying for another and it just wasn't happening...again.  Being thankful and grateful for my son, I was beginning to resign myself to the fact that we would add to our family using various avenues other than birth.  Imagine my utter shock when I took that test and BROKE it!  Many people are confused by this term.  To put it simply, the test line (the line that either pops up or doesn't) was so dark that the control line (the line that always pops up) was barely visible.  First trimester scan complete, bloodwork complete, and midwife hired.  We anxiously await the arrival of this baby.  

We are also going to formally purchase our home with a conventional loan instead of the land contract we have now, so this is another big step we are taking.  We are hopeful that the VA home loan program will prove to be beneficial to us in this process, as we get perks for Trav being a Veteran.  

As you can see, life is changing again in a big way.  I am so excited about what 2013 has to offer.  I give God the glory, honor, and praise for providing even in my darkest times....and I've gone through some very dark times in the last couple of years.  I cannot post this without saying what a mighty God we serve.  I've been mocked, tormented, teased, ridiculed, and cast aside as a brainwashed religious zealot for my belief in God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost.  I have to praise HIM though, because Lord knows I have given in to temptations too numerous to name and yet I still find Him there when I cry out His name.  I am continually growing in my walk with Christ, in my spirit I feel an expansion of growth.  I am not who the world says I am, I am who God says I am.  Beloved, blessed, highly favored, loved, forgiven, FREE.  I am not religious.  I don't practice rituals in hopes for a good reward.  I don't parade around pretending to be some high and mighty person above all that is below me.  I have a relationship with God because I need him.  I pray because I know he hears me; my son is proof that God answers prayer.  I do good things because I want others to see the Jesus in me, to know that HE is real.  I know that my righteousness is as filthy rags before him and that until that day when all is made perfect, it always will be.  I am merely a sinner who fell down, and got up. 

I hope 2013 is everything you desire it to be!


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