December 2007: That was the month of the big ice storm which knocked out power to nearly all of Fort Riley's residents and all other surrounding areas. I bought a new laptop to take with me to my mom and dads, who I visited over Christmas. Travis was still down range.
January 2008: I had been out of work now for just about 3 months and was really starting to go stir crazy. I spent most of January hanging out with friends and waiting for Travis to get home.
February 2008: I got a nice bouquet of flowers from Travis and celebrated the 1 year mark of the deployment with some friends. This is also when Jane moved back, and I was happy to accommodate Jane, her dad, and Corbin for the night.
March 2008: We started to hear rumors about when the guys were coming back. Nobody could say for sure, but we all had a feeling it would be within the next month or so. I also celebrated St. Patricks day with Lisa...who is 100% Irish by the way! She cooked a real Irish feast...yumo! This month, however, was not so good for some of us we lost another young man from our unit. While I had only been acquaintences with him, he was a good friend of Travis' and well loved by C Co. RIP O'Brien . His was the first memorial service I had ever gone to.
April 2008: Travis redeployed this month!! Could not have asked for more. He was one of the first people home, who came with the big crowds. April for sure, was the best month for me this year. The Moser's were together again. This month also marked the year anniversary for me attending Grace Community Church, the church that will always feel like home to me. This month we also bought the TV that is now in our livingroom. TTC officialy resumed this month, which high expectations.
May 2008: We went on a much needed and much deserved vacation to Florida. Then we trecked back home to visit family and friends. It was wonderful to see Travis interacting with everyone, home where he should be. We also bought our Garmin GPS this month....something I had wanted for a long time! My niece Isabell was born this month, she is a beauty! BFN.
June 2008: We started to go through our house and set aside items that we were going to donate, just to cut down on things to pack for our move. Although we knew we would be PCSing to still was not a reality for us. Also, had another HSG this month, which revealed that I have a slight bicornuate uterus but not bad enough that it would affect pregnancy, according to the doctor. Another BFN. Pregnant women were starting to pop up everywhere, and I wanted to be part of that.
July 2008: Celebrated Travis' 23rd birthday, went to the Sundown Salute with our good friends the Gonzalez's and had a really good month until the BFN.
August 2008: Travis and I went out to dinner with Br. Larry and suggested we renew our wedding vows. We took up the offer and Pastor Bryan and the church supplied everything for us and FOR FREE! We renewed our vows in a church, in front of God and everyone. This was an extremely momentous ocassion for us both. We were getting in a time crunch as PCS'ing was near. Our HHG and UAB was packed and shipped this month. BFN.
September 2008: We dropped off our car, headed to the airport with cats in tow, and flew to Germany! Our flight just happened to be on our anniversary and the flight crew gave us a complimentary bottle of champagne. We tried it, but found that neither one of us care for champagne. The flight was long and painful, but we made it at last. We also got our USAEUR licenses and rented a car this month too. The trip made AF late, so we thought I was KU, but it turned out to be a BFN. I was really missing church by this point. I also met Renee and Katie this month!! Two very good friends who have helped the transition into Baumholder worth the while. Oh, and my 27th birthday was this month.
October 2008: We FINALLY got all of our HHG and UAB making our house look like a home. We were still having to rent a car, as ours still wasnt here. I went for a referral appt at the health clinic here and that was a disaster, so I started seeing Dr. Matu, who immediately did some blood workup on me and we started the infertility diagnosis. Needless to say, another BFN. I also started going to the Good News Service here on post in Chapel 1. Its a Gospel service and its nice. The service on Wednesday, is full Gospel like I am used to. What a God send!! He knew what I needed, and put it in my life.
November 2008: Dr. Matu determined that I dont ovulate early enough and thats why my cycles are getting longer and longer. In fact, I may not even ovulate some cycles. We had our first thanksgiving in Germany, with Renee and Katie and man was it wonderful! I also made a new friend, Lu. She is German and lives right next door. We got our car this month, and couldnt have been happier! Finally, we dont have to shell out euro to rent a car anymore. It wasnt that hard getting it registered either. I have also taken many classes at ACS, including EPC training. Travis and I are going to become EPC parents, how exciting! BFN.
December 2008: Dr. Matu is getting really expensive, since I have to pay for everything in euro. The chief nurse from the clinic called about my appt in October and apologized for everything that went wrong. She got it to where I can see a Tricare PPN and it would be fully covered (except for IUI/IVF..which I know). Unfortunately, I wont be seeing Dr. Matu any longer, but its only because he doesnt take my insurance. New Dr. is Vander Osten in Birkenfeld. First appt is Jan. 12. We celebrated our first Christmas together since the deployment, and it has been wonderful! I experienced my first Green Christmas here in Baumholder, what with no snow and all. It has only snowed once or twice and melted away. Thats ok, I heard we will be getting plenty more later on. We had a huge Christmas dinner and were happy to fellowship with friends and make new ones. I also sang at a memorial service for the first time, what an honor.
Cannot wait to see what the new year has in store. I have faith that 2009 will be the year of Gods people, and surely He will provide for us in all ways. I know that there were other significant things that happened this past year as well, but at the moment I cannot recall what they are. Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day. Many blessings and love for the new year!
God bless!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas and early New Years Resolutions...
Hello! I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas, and the love of God shone through all the headaches that seem to come around this time of year....kind of a paradox huh? Anyway, we had a great Christmas together and had a HUGE dinner with some friends. I love to have people over for dinner. I am not big into etiquette or napkin rings or any type of formal gatherings...I am not THAT complicated. I just like to have friends over to laugh, eat, and fellowship. It wa really nice to have people over, and we were all missing our families and some their husbands. I feel very blessed that Travis and I were able to be together this year. Even though I was with family last year, I still missed my husband and was sad on Christmas. We had the usual feast of turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, macaroni salad, desert pies and a cake, and our friends brought some wings and a really tasty sicilian meat roll and a dirt cake...YUMMY!! Needless to say, I will be doing some extra walking over the next few months, just to make sure this holiday season didnt TOTALLY ruin my diet! I also decided that I was going to make my new years resolutions early this year. I have given them some thought...and here they are.
- Become a better vessel for Christ, getting closer to Him
- Become the wife that God wants me to be
- Trust God with all my difficulties in life and truly give Him all my problems
- Stop over eating and emotional eating
- Take better care of my body by eating healthy and exercising more
- Let God use me for His will, instead of my own
- Keep in touch with family and friends moreso than what I do now
- Not worry about anything
- Do as much traveling as I can
- Pray every day for an hour, and fast 1 day a week
I know these might sound ambitious and "religious" (did I mention that I dont like that word??), but when my relationship with Christ is good, everything else will fall into place. I am really hoping that I can stick to these resolutions. I pray that each of you can fulfill yours as well...even if you dont make resolutions, I know you must have goals you want to accomplish. Well, take care and God bless. Thanks for stopping by!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
48 months...
So we have another failed attempt at getting pregnant.....we have been actively trying now for jut over 4 years (as long as we've been married). That is 48 failed attempts at I was really upset about it yesterday, and it hit me really hard for some reason. I think my mind and my body are getting exhausted, and considering that we dont really have any more money in the bank (because living in Germany is expensive) our finances are exhausted. Yeah, so yesterday was not good for me. I let the enemy steal my joy......not anymore. Not to say that I wont have my bad days, but not like this...not anymore. Sometimes I forget that God is bigger than me and my problems.....I am sorry God. I forget what is right in front of my face, what I have now; a wonderful home to live in, food to eat, a nice car to drive, and most of all a husband who means more to be than anyone else in this fallen world. We are still going to pursue TTC, but with a different mind least from my end. Why should I expect God to bless me with children, when I am not being thankful or acknowledging what is already in front of me? How selfish and silly I have been. Forgive me Lord, for my soul was not right with you. God's word will not be returned void....I know that we will get what we pray for in His time. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
Monday, December 01, 2008
Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas....
So we have decorated for the Christmas Holiday, and it is a really wonderful feeling to hang up the pretty ornaments and sing Christmas songs while you're doing so. I love the holidays and all the meanings behind them. Here are some pictures of our livingroom area, enjoy!
The stockings hung on our "family wall" with care...
The angel nativity made from sand-stone.
One side of our living room (just for show!)
A close-up of one of the ornaments...just messing with my camera. Can you see the photographer?
Our Christmas Tree, complete with reindeer guardians!
We have gotten some snow here in Baumholder, but nothing too bad and that is alright with me!! Travis has been on a rather strange detail the last couple of weeks, which is a nice change from him having to do CP or staff duty. Travis has been busy constructing "Christmas Houses" at the DFAC, and he is proud of his work. Here are some pictures of his accomplishments (which is earning him another medal and already earned him some more coins!!).
Travis' most recent addition.
Travis' most recent addition.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Counting my blessings...even when they are few.
I went back to the German RE today. Not so good news. As it turns out my HDL-C (good cholesterol) is extremely low. In fact, he says, it is the lowest he has seen in all his years. What does this mean? According to the doctor this means that 30 years have been shaved off my life and heart disease or stroke could come in at any moment and claim me!! You know what I say? This is the super duper kick in the rear I needed to get myself motivated...and this is a trial worth thanking God for. Contrary to what the blog title says, I have abundant blessings in my life. I may not have the best material blessings, or lots of people showering me with affection, but what I do have is so much better in comparison. I have life, and after today I am not going to let any sickness or disease take me away from it. Sometimes I get a bug in my ear and forget that God can and does run things a lot better than me...and then He reminds of that by getting my attention. I have been praying for motivation to lose weight and get healthy, for months I have been praying for this. Talk about a shout out loud answer to a prayer. I hear you God and I am not going to let this get the better of me!! I will beat this thing with YOUR help!! So I thank God that I am going to get in better shape and get healthy. I thank God for His blood that covers every sickness and disease known to man, and that He is the great Healer. Today's news has renewed my thirst for the Lord and for life. Sometimes we think we have gotten the short end of the stick and we complain, forgetting that all the while God has already set in motion, a plan for us to prosper....then all of a sudden BAM! His plan is ever so evident. Ladies and gentlemen, Sally will get better. Today truly is a day of Thanksgiving for me. Giving thanks for love, humor, intelligence, good friends, communication, and love...but most of all thankful for the Heavenly Father and His undying love for me and that He loves me so much He would give me the motivation I need to get healthy. I love you Jesus, you are the best.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Germany Pics
Idar-Oberstein, Germany
Bavarian Alps, Garmisch Germany
Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany (a.k.a. Disney castle)
Entrance to Neuschwanstein Castle grounds
Been awhile...
Just wanted to let everyone know where we are at right now. We started seeing a new German RE, named Dr. Matu and he is a God send, believe me! This man has helped countless couples conceive and he tells us that he sees us pregnant within 6 months....all this he says before he runs any labs or scans. I am thoroughly impressed. He is a sweet man, intelligent doctor, and a very compassionate one as well. He even let Travis in on the conversation which most docs do not. Travis FINALLY understood (from a males point of view) everything that was/was not happening with our fertility. Travis now has to go to Homburg to have a sperm analysis (SA) done to find out how many/quality/etc. I have already had many blood labs ran and a scan to map out my uterus and ovaries....which had absolutely no follicles or we are thinking that I do NOT have PCOS (thank you Jesus). However, we are not out of the woods just yet as we need to make sure my ovaries are producing good quality follicles and eggs and that we dont need any ovulation inducing meds. I go back in on Thanksgiving day to have another scan, just to see if we have follicles...and please pray that we do!! So as far as our fertility, that is where we are!!
Moving on to other things, Travis is really becoming excited about becoming a daddy and it shows. I went downstairs the other day to grab some baby clothes, as I was going to go through them and give our brothers the extra stuff, and Travis and I were looking through the clothes just oooing and aaahing about how cute they were. For the first time, he actually picked up a onesie and looked at it like he was imagining his son wearing about a tear jerker!! So needless to say, I am thankful to God that He has broken the yoke in Travis' heart...and my husband is FINALLY excited about being parents. Speaking of God.....I have started going to the chapel here on post, the Good News Service...its a Gospel service here on post and the chaplain comes from a Pentecostal background!! I was really happy that God put that church here for me to go to. Travis and God are still working things out, but I have faith that Travis will move closer to God very soon and it wont be long before he will be in church again. I love God, He is so good to me even when I am not so good to Him. Being back in church has really opened my spirit back up and I am feeling like myself again. I havent been in church since late August and it was really starting to take its toll on me. The enemy really likes to mess with me when I am not in church. Dont get me wrong, I am a STRONG woman of God, but not being in church or around other believers takes its toll on me and the enemy will sneak in through any means necessary. I am getting out of this rut, and I am feeding the spiritual woman inside. Fasting, prayer, and obedience are part of my life once again and it feels wonderful. I am even going to join the choir! The chaplain talked about spiritual gifts and how everyone has at least one and its their job to use it. I knew right away the spiritual gifts I have been given, one of them being my singing ministry. In that moment, I knew God was telling me I was going to sing again....and I love Him for that. Singing for people about God or just singing in an empty room to God....that is what feeds my soul and helps me to overcome adversitites. I know it sounds silly to say that singing helps me...but it does. There is such an annointing in music, and when I sing about Jesus and people hear me....I know that the words I sing touch them deep down in their souls in places they forgot even existed. This isnt bragging or saying that I have the best voice in the world...this simply means that God has chosen me to sing to people and spread His word through music....and I do just that. I love to sing anyways, and I have been doing it since I can remember...this is just a way for me to use my talent for good. I have also been witnessing to people, one person in particular. She is so young and vulnerable and I can see in her eyes that she is hungry for love. God has opened a wonderful door of opportunity for me to help bring this lost lamb back to the good shepard. This young woman is looking for a safe place and a savior, although she didnt know it at first, and slowly but surely I am helping her to open her heart and mind to God and all His tender mercies. So much in fact, that after the first conversation we had....she told me she started to pray. Can you believe that? Talk about warm fuzzies! I knew God placed us in each others lives for that very reason. She is a wonderful person and I hope and pray for her salvation to come one day very soon, and I have faith that it will. If it werent for my spiritual mother, Mary, who never gave up on me after 3 years of talking to me about God and inviting me to church....I never would have given my life to God and I would not be who or where I am today. I know its not easy to shake off the habits of this sinful life and start for God is NOT easy by any means, but there is no greater joy or peace than when we know we always have a safe place to land in the Lord's loving hands. I love that God gave His life for our sins that we may be able to reside with Him in heaven one sweet day. I love that He said our sins are cast away as far as the east is from the west (one of my FAV songs too) and that He forgets them and remembers them no more. I love that God loved us enough to come to earth and be with us, to experience what we experienced, to live how we lived, to eat and drink what we eat and drink, and to die for us because He loves us. My pastor always said, "This life is just a dressing room for the next life, I am just passing through, thank God this world is not my home." I thank the Lord that famine, suffering, weeping, mourning, death, sin, destruction, war, abuse, rape, murder, divorce, infertility, sadness, anger, and strife will not surround me forever. I take comfort in knowing I will soon be in the Fathers house, with many mansions. I am not where I need to be, but I am getting to where I will be going. Heaven is my home.
God Bless!
Moving on to other things, Travis is really becoming excited about becoming a daddy and it shows. I went downstairs the other day to grab some baby clothes, as I was going to go through them and give our brothers the extra stuff, and Travis and I were looking through the clothes just oooing and aaahing about how cute they were. For the first time, he actually picked up a onesie and looked at it like he was imagining his son wearing about a tear jerker!! So needless to say, I am thankful to God that He has broken the yoke in Travis' heart...and my husband is FINALLY excited about being parents. Speaking of God.....I have started going to the chapel here on post, the Good News Service...its a Gospel service here on post and the chaplain comes from a Pentecostal background!! I was really happy that God put that church here for me to go to. Travis and God are still working things out, but I have faith that Travis will move closer to God very soon and it wont be long before he will be in church again. I love God, He is so good to me even when I am not so good to Him. Being back in church has really opened my spirit back up and I am feeling like myself again. I havent been in church since late August and it was really starting to take its toll on me. The enemy really likes to mess with me when I am not in church. Dont get me wrong, I am a STRONG woman of God, but not being in church or around other believers takes its toll on me and the enemy will sneak in through any means necessary. I am getting out of this rut, and I am feeding the spiritual woman inside. Fasting, prayer, and obedience are part of my life once again and it feels wonderful. I am even going to join the choir! The chaplain talked about spiritual gifts and how everyone has at least one and its their job to use it. I knew right away the spiritual gifts I have been given, one of them being my singing ministry. In that moment, I knew God was telling me I was going to sing again....and I love Him for that. Singing for people about God or just singing in an empty room to God....that is what feeds my soul and helps me to overcome adversitites. I know it sounds silly to say that singing helps me...but it does. There is such an annointing in music, and when I sing about Jesus and people hear me....I know that the words I sing touch them deep down in their souls in places they forgot even existed. This isnt bragging or saying that I have the best voice in the world...this simply means that God has chosen me to sing to people and spread His word through music....and I do just that. I love to sing anyways, and I have been doing it since I can remember...this is just a way for me to use my talent for good. I have also been witnessing to people, one person in particular. She is so young and vulnerable and I can see in her eyes that she is hungry for love. God has opened a wonderful door of opportunity for me to help bring this lost lamb back to the good shepard. This young woman is looking for a safe place and a savior, although she didnt know it at first, and slowly but surely I am helping her to open her heart and mind to God and all His tender mercies. So much in fact, that after the first conversation we had....she told me she started to pray. Can you believe that? Talk about warm fuzzies! I knew God placed us in each others lives for that very reason. She is a wonderful person and I hope and pray for her salvation to come one day very soon, and I have faith that it will. If it werent for my spiritual mother, Mary, who never gave up on me after 3 years of talking to me about God and inviting me to church....I never would have given my life to God and I would not be who or where I am today. I know its not easy to shake off the habits of this sinful life and start for God is NOT easy by any means, but there is no greater joy or peace than when we know we always have a safe place to land in the Lord's loving hands. I love that God gave His life for our sins that we may be able to reside with Him in heaven one sweet day. I love that He said our sins are cast away as far as the east is from the west (one of my FAV songs too) and that He forgets them and remembers them no more. I love that God loved us enough to come to earth and be with us, to experience what we experienced, to live how we lived, to eat and drink what we eat and drink, and to die for us because He loves us. My pastor always said, "This life is just a dressing room for the next life, I am just passing through, thank God this world is not my home." I thank the Lord that famine, suffering, weeping, mourning, death, sin, destruction, war, abuse, rape, murder, divorce, infertility, sadness, anger, and strife will not surround me forever. I take comfort in knowing I will soon be in the Fathers house, with many mansions. I am not where I need to be, but I am getting to where I will be going. Heaven is my home.
God Bless!
Monday, October 20, 2008
All over the place.....
Things are going alright these days. I am still very frustrated with our internet service because it goes in and out nearly every 5 minutes, and that worries me for when its time to take online classes. I am not sure if its our computer or the ISP itself...either way it needs to be fixed. I made an appointment with a fertility doctor because I dont feel like waiting on the army hospital here to take its sweet time getting me a referral and my biological clock is not getting any younger. I see him for a consult next wednesday and I am excited and praying that 1.) I get information I need 2.) It is not a ridiculous amount of money and 3.) That this doc and his staff can actually help us achieve a live birth or 2..or 3. Travis has had a lot of responsibility laid on him at this new unit, for someone who was so obviously not ready for it as per his last unit...but thats a whole other cup of tea. This new unit has even recommended him for a good conduct medal as well as sending him to the board to get his E-5. He has been doing a lot of staff duty and other silly details, but he is an outstanding soldier and does what he is told. Lately I feel as though I have been doing a lot of complaining....and I know I have. I have complained about Germany, the people here, housing, transportation, my husband, myself, the computer, the internet, cell phones, our car....whatever. I am so sorry that it has been that way. I am super homesick and not even having the conveniences I am used to is really taking its toll on me. I am a strong person, but it will take a few more months to fully adapt to life outside of the states. I cant wait for our household goods to arrive because all I want is my own comfy couch and bed. I miss going to church and its having a major affect on me spiritually. I need God so much in my life and I need to be around others who love Him as much as I do and its so hard feeling like the only true Christian amongst a bunch of people who go out partying, swearing up a storm, gossiping, and doing God knows what else. I feel so drained sometimes and I cant even clear my mind enough to pray the way I need to. My soul needs restored and my flesh is very weak right now. I have been praying for a new church to go to, and God will tarry for me. The cats are doing well, they have adjusted but miss sleeping on their couch and walking on carpet, lol. They will lay on the floor and get up almost 10 minutes later, they miss the comfy fuzzy carpet under their bodies. They love bird watching here, and because there are so many birds, the girls go nuts!! We are coming up on the anniversary of losing our baby, and it still tears me up inside when I think about it, but really I am at peace overall. God has plans and its not in His will for me to be all knowing about why things happen in my life. Each other, family, minor conveniences, God, church, babies, and our household goods are really what we want right now and then I think the whining will die down. Until then, we are working on it. Thanks for reading and as always, God Bless!!
~Sally and Travis
~Sally and Travis
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Moser's on the Move!!!
Moving to Germany is right around the corner for us! We sent off our unaccompanied baggage yesterday and boy did it feel good to get rid of some of that stuff! We are for sure going to try and donate more stuff to Goodwill so we dont have that much clutter. Too many "things" just hanging around collecting dust, ya know? You never really know how much you have until you move. Of course, having a hutch to put some of these things in, would really help! Now we are "practice packing" our suitcases, just to see what will fit and what will not. We will be send most of our stuff with household goods, but our essentials (clothes, shoes, etc) will go with us on the plane, as will Tink and Bell. Travis has been playing as much of his PS3 as he can before its packed up and I have been trying to relax (I've been too stressed out lately). No baby news yet, not that thats anything new to you all but still, seeing a BFN on that test every month is pretty overwhelming. We are just keeping faith in God and trusting in Him to give us children of our own soon. We are supposed to get our car today....well we were supposed to get it last friday but they were backed up and hadnt even started on our car yet. Talk about really frustrated. They were nice though and said that the rental would be on them from there on out, so that was nice. Will update with more when I can! God Bless!
~Travis and Sally
~Travis and Sally
Sunday, July 13, 2008
So we will be moving in just over a month to Baumholder, Germany. Things have been really hectic for us lately and Picerne will be here in a week or so to do our quarters "pre-inspection" just to make sure our place isnt torn apart and to let us know if we may have to pay for anything (yeah right!). We also have our appt this month with transportation to confirm our pack and move dates. To top it off, our vehicle got hit in the parking lot of the px on Friday. Tomorrow morning I am taking it to the dealer to have an estimate. We are praying that the car is fixed before we move, the port wont take it if it is damaged and understandably so. I am not so worried about it though, I have faith that God will give us someone to fix our car right and do it in time for the move. Our cats have their handy little travel kennels and I am sure they will like them for a short time on the plane before they get cabin fever. The good news is Germany doesnt have a mandatory quarantine for animals coming in country so we wont have to be seperated from the girls longer than the flight is. Travis goes before the E-5 board in August and we are praying that God blesses him with this leadership position as it is crucial for Travis and at a deciding point in his military career (as in, this will decide whether or not he wants to stay in). Thats about it for now. Thanks for reading and God bless! This will be the last update for a while because our internet is getting shut off on Tuesday.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
From that
I know I know, its been a LONG while since I last updated my blog. Big whoop, I have had a lot to deal with lately. Aside from a false positive when taking an HPT (pardon the acronyms, its my language now) and then having to undergo another HSG, we are moving to Germany and the process is draining. Passports, orders, shipping instructions, briefings, and schedules are my life now. Somewhere in there I am trying to maintain a positive attitude about TTC and trying not to be negative about this move (will they steal our stuff??). I love God, dont get me wrong, but when is enough enough? I know that He is bigger than anything and everything and everyone, but why am I having trouble trusting Him in this one area? For crying out loud (which I tend to do a lot of lately) He formed Himself a body in the womb of a VIRGIN (when I am far from nowadays) so why is He not forming a baby in my womb? I managed to get KU last year and I wasnt even on any meds. Of course we ALL know how that one ended...I am not mad at God for that anymore because I realize that He didnt do that to me. I try to be positive everyday and let God know that I really do trust Him with this, when the fact is that I am struggling with just this little area. WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR HIM TO HELP ME GET KU?? Crackheads, bad parents, child molesters, pedophiles, and murderers become parents every single day...people who would rather throw their precious children off of bridges or give birth to babies in toilets during prom in between slow dance songs...but someone who would love a child of her own womb more than anything cannot even manage to sustain one pregnancy? HELP ME GOD where are you in all this? I took you out of this little box I had put you in for so very long, because I wanted you to work the miracles and Be God over my life...but where are you in this situation? My husband even prayed for me this morning. He even made a good point when he said, "Maybe God isnt giving you children because you arent grateful for what He has already given you." You know what? Sometimes the answers are so obvious and we continue looking at complex explanations. Maybe I am not grateful for what He has given me so far in my life. A wonderful husband, a great family who would do anything for me, friends to die for, and many blessings time and time again. God will not bless me with children if I cannot praise Him enough for what I have already. Talk about a revelation! Guess this blog kind of helped me with my struggles.....give God the glory for what I have and let His praises be continuously in my not worry about the affairs of this world...if God gives the lily of a field a beautiful place to live and grow will He not provide for me what I need? Putting God first will result in Him putting you first. Want children? Be grateful for the family you already have so that you will have enough praises for Him when you do finally get the offspring you've been praying for. It is not the will of God to have any child harmed or murdered...the enemy is strong in those who are weak and sometimes the innocent get caught inbetween. God has a special place for those children, I know that. Thank you God for everything and everyone in my life. You have saved me from the snare of the enemy and provided for every need in my life. I look for you and there you are, I call out your name and you are beside me. My family, friends, and especially my have blessed me with these loved ones so that I may know love unconditionally and that I may give back that love by spreading your word. I love you Jesus, with all my heart. My hopes, dreams, and goals of becoming a mother are in Your hands. Your hands are capable and able. You are God alone. Nevermore will I worry or wonder. His eye is in the sparrow and I know He watches over me.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Redeployment and Getting back together!

Well, Travis made it home safe from Iraq and I could not be happier! Going to the building where his ceremony was, waiting to see his face, seeing him for the first time in FOREVER, and being able to hold him in my arms again....what a night (or should I say morning) to behold! Prayers work, and my husband and the other soldiers who made it home are proof of that! I give God the glory for my husband making it home safe to me...there were so many nights I stayed up and cried and prayed for his safe return.
The fear of the unknown is what really can get to you when you are the spouse of a deployed soldier. I am so thankful that I had Jesus to call upon and friends and family to support me. I had to push that fear away from me and not accept any negative thoughts there at the see Travis' smiling face again...I was so nervous I thought I was going to faint!
We have been doing so much since his return, as far as hanging out and making purchases and preparing for our move....and doing the TTC thing. I am excited because God has shown me that we will be getting our family very soon and you all will be surprised with what He has in store for us! Travis and I are enjoying getting to know each other again. I have fallen in love with him all over and it is wonderful. There really is something to be said for reuniting. God has brought us together and called us to be husband and wife, you can bet that neither one of us are going to argue with that! The Moser's are back together and stronger more spiritually filled than ever! I love him and he loves
I suppose thats it for now. Dont worry, I will keep you all updated on the baby thing...God willing, this will be our month!
God Bless ~Travis and Sally
Monday, January 14, 2008
Happy New Year (LATE)
Well Happy New Year to you all....a little late is better than never. It has been since I have blogged, but here goes. Travis should be home within the next few months and I am very excited about that. I am glad to see 2007 go, as it was a year of great disappointments and heartache. I am thankful that I am covered by the blood of Jesus and that I am His, and that I am forgiven. I still cry from time to time about the baby that Travis and I lost....and I still cry out for Travis at night sometimes. The only thing keeping me from going over the edge is God and His undying love for me. Sometimes in this life we are given many opportunities but are too wrapped up in the things of this world that we neglect to see those opportunities until they are passing us by. We need to take a step back and remember why we are put here on this earth. We are put here as ambassadors for Christ and so we can make connections with other human beings, in hopes to help draw them into salvation with our sweet Lord. I am thankful for my husband, even though we have had our terrible moments these past few months...I still love you with all my heart and soul and I thank God for you every day. I am so thankful for my family, my church family, and my friends. What would I do without any of you? God has put each and every one of you into my life...some just for a season...but all of you will be in my heart for the rest of my life. Thats all for now...
Be safe, Be strong, Be blessed.
Be safe, Be strong, Be blessed.
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