I've been reading a lot of hullabaloo lately on the 'net. No matter what website I visit, there is always some debate going on. Like any curious person, I take a peek and see whats going on. Aside from the usual (abortion, religion, political), there have been some heated debates over things like vaccination, corporal punishment of children and it's *alleged* biblical background, and the fat vs. skinny fight. Granted, none of these are really new debates, but they have gained some real attention lately and I am not sure why. Normally, I keep my mouth shut and refuse to participate because if I do open my mouth, I anger or offend someone and they either quit talking to me for a while or drop me like a hot potato. HOWEVER.
I had to open my mouth on the corporal punishment debate; I have researched this dead horse to death. I am against spanking my son, but that doesn't mean I haven't slipped a couple of times and those times have just served to remind me just why I am against spanking. I have extremely personal reasons I feel this way, mainly due to my own childhood (and Travis feels this way as well), and to put it plainly how wrong it feels for me to strike my child. We used to smack patty's (smack hands) but even this form of punishment has me questioning my parenting choice. I have friends that spank their children, and my friends know my opinion because in my research I discussed this matter with them. Do I think any less of my friends? Absolutely not. I don't agree with their choices, but that is just it..those are THEIR choices and not mine. I must say, however, that I have yet to actually see these friends spanking their kids, so who knows? The reason I included myself in this online debate was because people were trying to say that spanking is biblical and quoting the infamous Proverbs scriptures as references, without knowing what they were quoting. "Spare the rod, spoil the child." I hear this phrase a lot and it is often and incorrectly referred to as a biblical scripture. It is not. It is actually from a poem written by a man in the 1600's. Proverbs does often refer to a "rod" and tells one to discipline their child. I am not going to get into detail, I just urge you to research it. I just get irritated when people twist scripture around to benefit their own agenda. The Old Testament is full of laws, some are outdated and do not apply to our culture today. For example, it is NOT acceptable to stone a person in the street, for any reason. I could go on about this one, but my argument here isn't about the morality of spanking...it is about using the Word of God as a tool for your own agenda. Please quit quoting things as scripture that are NOT. MOVING ON!!
The fat vs. skinny thing. I didn't offer my opinion on this website because one look at me and you will know whose side I am on (seriously, I LOVE my curves). Really though, I don't advocate being lazy, eating unhealthy foods, and living a sedentary lifestyle. I also think starvation diets, practically living at the gym, changing for someone other than yourself, feeling guilty for eating, and worrying about every calorie that goes in your mouth are just as bad. Here I was looking at pictures of young women who were saying things like, "punch yourself in the stomach to alleviate hunger and you won't eat!" What is with the need to be skinny anyway? Why can't we be strong or, better yet, HAPPY with ourselves? This one girl had posted a picture of a clearly emaciated woman (who had hipbones that were so visible you make out the curve of her pelvic bones) and said she wanted to be just like her. SORRY LADIES! You were meant to have a little bit of a bulge in your lower abdomen...it is where your UTERUS sits. Then I see pictures of the opposite side of the spectrum; pictures of extremely large (dare I say morbidly obese?) stating how proud they are of themselves and they don't do anything. Now I am all for loving yourself, but if you disregard your health altogether then I am not in agreement with you. My point? Love your body, take care of it (even too much exercise and strenuous diets are abusive to your body), and don't change for anyone else but yourself (as long as the change is healthy). Our society places too much emphasis on the outer and not nearly enough on the inner. You think skinny people are the happiest? Life isn't great just because you are a size 2 or a size 20. Life is hard and you have to go through struggles and triumph to get where you want to be. All these little posts that rag on skinny or fat people are sad. Man or woman, we should build each other up and help one another out. Do you really think that woman in the plus sized section needs to be told she is overweight? Do you think the skinny girl needs to be reminded she has no curves? LOVE people; love yourself, love your neighbor. No judgement here; just love. In my life I have been teased heavily, I was even the victim of a very cruel prank (movie worthy) and you have no idea how that tore me up. Someone I had a very strong crush on in junior high, somehow found out and his friends put him up to asking me out as a joke. I was so excited and when I went to meet up at my locker (I was clutching my books to my chest, blushing and nervous...but so happy that a boy FINALLY saw through my fat and liked ME), there he was with his friends (a few of them were girls) and they laughed out loud and pointed. The worst part? I had class with all of them right after. "She actually thought you wanted to go out with her? She is ugly and FAT." I remember that. Am I angry about it still? Nope. It took me until well into my adulthood to forgive the people who teased and taunted me, but I no longer carry that burden. ANYWAY. There shouldn't be a debate of skinny vs. fat. Just be healthy, love yourself, and love others (even when they are unlovable).
I also stayed out of the vaccines debate, although I will say that there is new research out about vaccines that I have not seen. I've written papers on this as well, my son is vaccinated. However, I always urge parents to do their research on vaccines...don't do something because you are told to. This is your child's well being.
I apologize, I have no references or websites to offer but google is a wonderful tool to use and so is your local library. I sincerely hope nobody was offended by this post. I don't agree with every decision my friends or my family make and visa versa. I guess I just wanted to get my opinion on "paper." On to lighter topics.
TJ is learning new signs and new words DAILY. He now says (in addition to previously mentioned words): pee-pee, baby, speak (sign and word), water, milk (or mama as he calls it), juice, tv, remote (i see a pattern here), school, play, night night, amen, dinner, noodle, nose, and eye....that I can remember. He is growing so fast and at an alarming rate!! It seems like only yesterday I watched him come into this world (yes, I had a mirror..it was my motivation to get him out!). In a matter of months he will be 2. How exciting! I am hoping to have #2 on the way by then. I really want my children to be close in age. Not sure why, but I think it would be good for our family. Travis received a promotion and a raise, thank GOD. I am telling you right now that God has done so much for our family, blessing us beyond measure. Beyond what we deserve. I am so grateful to serve such a powerful and mighty and awesome God! Hallelujah!
I want to go study my bible now and spend some time with God. Love you all!
1 comment:
Have a grate day. I agree with you. Love ya. Mamma
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