Sunday, January 01, 2012

New Year, new attitude, new changes....

Happy New Year!  I love writing year in review posts almost as much as I enjoy reading them.  It's always nice to rejoice with someone who has overcome adversity over the last year, on the other hand it is a blessing to be able to offer encouragement to someone who is still going through something.  You may have noticed the layout is a bit different; I changed it to suit our life changes.  Let's take a look at what 2011 offered to the Moser family, shall we?

The beginning of 2011 was a month of anticipation and preparation for us.  We knew we were on our way out of the military; we were preparing to say goodbye to friends and hello to a new/old way of life.  Going back to civilian life sounds easy, but when you have been part of a military family the transition is difficult at best.  At least for our family.  God is still bringing us through, as Travis and I still both struggle with losing our Army family, and I know peace is just around the corner for us.  With that said, we were able to visit Rome for the second time, which was amazing as we were able to see more of the city and surrounding areas than our previous visit...not to mention we had an extra person with us this time.  TJ just makes everything better; seeing the world as he does is humbling.  He is still learning how to behave and what is inappropriate and what is acceptable.  2011 also saw us become the victims of nosy and incredibly judgmental prejudice, when we were reported for child abuse.  Someone didn't like the way I chose to discipline my son, who had a biting problem at the time, and decided I needed to be in trouble.  I have favor with God though, and the agency knew me well.  I thank God that His hand was over that situation, but I will admit that I lost my temper and *temporarily* my mind.  I have forgiven that wrong, just this morning in fact.  I refuse to be bound by unforgiveness, so I made up my mind to move forward.  2011 also saw two of my very best friends have their miracle babies.  One was a complete shocker and the other was long awaited.  While I didn't make it in time to welcome little "C" into the world, I was able to make in time to be one of the very first people to love on him.  I sure hope his mama knows how much I appreciate that!  For baby "T" I was there for it all; labor to birth.  What an incredible experience!  To watch her work so hard to bring him into this world and then watch as he took his first breath of life; beautiful!!  That is one experience I will always cherish.  Thank you Kayla for letting me be there, you will never know how honored I feel to have witnessed his birth!  We celebrated TJ's 1st birthday in Germany and boy is that kid loved by many!  He was spoiled with gifts and hugs and kisses galore!  2011 also saw us moving back stateside.  Here we are, nearly 5 months later, and we are still adjusting.  Thank God for His abundant mercy and many blessings or we would have completely lost it!  People said we wouldn't be able to find a home or a job and within 3 months of moving back we bought a house, Travis got a job, and we have a wonderful church home.  See how GREAT God is?!  Our own families were telling us these things wouldn't happen...but God made a way out of no way!  I am still in awe.  We celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas with our families for the first time in years and it was a blessing.  Sometimes Travis and I sit and talk about Fort Riley or Baumholder, from time to time, and wish we could go back...but we know this is where God wants us to be.  I am thankful because this has given Travis and I the opportunity to grow closer to one another.  He has started to open up to me about some of the things he has gone through while in the Army.  I am able to open up about some things we well.  God is allowing healing and restoration to take place, I could not ask for more.  Travis is getting ready to receive a good report from the VA, I am waiting for the right job opportunity and school opportunity to come along, and TJ is growing by leaps and bounds.

In short, 2011 saw our family suffer a great loss when Travis was taken off active duty and his files officially closed.  We both feel like we lost our family.  Granted, 6 years isn't a majority of a lifetime...but it feels like it when you've given as much as we have and sacrificed as much we have.  2011 also saw God bring us up out of the pits of despair, because we both went through depression (I had a late on-set of PPD) and it was really wearing on our family and faith.  We have been blessed beyond measure, we've watched our friends come home from war (we celebrate with you all in spirit), moved closer to our family, we have 24 hour shopping, we have money to eat and pay the bills, and we have a HOME!  2012 is going to bring us so much more joy and happiness!  God is going to open a window of Heaven and the blessings will fall in abundance!

This year I am changing my attitude.  I am not going look at the glass half empty.  I want to be a better person; smile more, laugh more, enjoy my life more, not take my blessings for granted, enjoy my son instead of yelling at him, love on my husband instead of criticize him, tell my friends and family how much I love them as often as possible, open up to people, stop hiding behind other peoples' opinions and form my own.  Stand up for my beliefs and have more faith in God.

I pray that each of you have a prosperous new year and that, if you don't know who God is...that you seek Him and find Him.  I know, it sounds crazy when people quote scriptures or continuously praise God...but He is awesome and I want for all of you to experience His grace.  From someone who used to be the biggest skeptic...if you only knew what God has in store for you.  Much love!


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