So I think maybe Travis and I are going to start this adoption process....or at least I am because he is in Iraq. At least by the time he gets home all we have to do is our interviews, background checks, and homestudy...then we wait 1-9 months for our baby to arrive. Then again, I dont really know because Travis isnt here with me....and part of me thinks he should be here for the entire process, not just some of it. So many things to consider when looking to adopt! Age, race, open/closed adoption, international adoption, the COST which is the biggest concern I have. There are so many children without homes, so many new babies who get dumped on the side of a road or left at some doorstep...and these children need a loving family to be with. Why is it so goshdarn expensive to give that loving home??? Sure, you need to be financially stable to raise a child (even though most people arent in the first place), but does that mean you need to have $11,500-$21,000 lying around at all times? I know semi-rich people who dont have that much lying around (anyone with a few thousand in their bank account is, to me, considered semi-rich). I hear that the money is well spent and well worth every penny to be holding your very own baby, in your arms. I am sure it is, and I know Travis and I can afford to raise a child. People have done it before, who have been in worse situations than us. I just have some mixed emotions right now. Partlly because I am not sure how we could afford all of these lump sum costs, and partly because I'm not sure how I feel about the whole "well honey, you are adopted..." thing. I guess I have some things to think about. Off for now, take care!
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